Although we believe that the information found within this website is true and accurate, Hydrogen Technologies makes no claim as to the validity or proof of the medical findings or clinical results made within this website. We do not produce medical devices with regard to the governing authorities’ legislative requirements and do not promote use for any of the human being species. Any information found within this website pertaining to human applications or usage should only be considered as being for research and education relevance purposes only and should not be considered as an approved modality or product. We are focused on the advancement and efficacy of the practical application to the realisation of the scientific literature across this broad spectrum. All aerobic species around the world stand to benefit from the studies currently being conducted and this research field is broad and expansive. We expect much from the scientific community over the coming years across many industries and species.
We encourage you to independently verify all information, and that you seek medically substantiated and respected journals when conducting further research into this subject matter.
There is a huge amount of information on the subject of “Molecular Hydrogen” and how hydrogen is so important to every part and function of metabolism be it animal, plant or aquatic species. There are at this point well over a thousand separate studies across several biological applications and disciplines showing common fundamental processes and consequences associated with molecular hydrogen supplementation. When conducting your own research, please focus on legitimate scientific studies and reports.
Even though the benefits associated with the science of molecular hydrogen may be defined in the future as ground breaking in every way, we do not believe it will cure anything or negate the need to listen to your scientific professional, doctor, physician, veterinarian or biologist. However, we do believe that this technology has the potential to revolutionise modern farming methods, the entire food chain and management therein, and ultimately redefine biological function as we know it. When utilising this technology however, it should be known that this science is still evolving and there are no guarantees and there may be no immediate results depending on circumstances or applications.